Studies in Music

Aesthetics - Ars Inveniendi - the Farben Project

by Wim van den Dungen


Neurophilosophy of Sensation

Aesthetics of Music

Ars Inveniendi

The Farben Project


OMNIA STANT HARMONIA. Anarmonia cadunt omnia. Nec erigitur, reficitur, restituitur quidquam, nisi ad Harmoniam relatum atque redactum.

All exists through Harmony. Disharmony destroys all. Nothing can be built, nothing created, nothing restored that is not related to and based on Harmony.

Tout existe à travers l'Harmonie. La disharmonie détruit tout. Rien ne peut être construit, ni créé, ni restauré qui n'est pas lié à et basé sur l'Harmonie.

Georg Philipp Telemann (1681 - 1767)

Selected Bibliography

Adey, Ch. : Orchestral Performance, Faber & Faber - London, 1998.
Anderson, H.H. : Creativity and its Cultivation, Harper - New York, 1959.
Arieti, S. : Creativity - The Magic Synthesis, Basic - New York, 1976.
Austin, W.W. : Debussy - Prelude to 'The Afternoon of a Faun', Norton - New York, 1970.
Artaud, A. : Selected Writings, University of California Press - Los Angeles, 1988.

Baker, G.P. : Dramatic Technique, Da Capo - New York, 1983.
Barbour, M. : Tuning and Temperament, Doverc - New York, 1951.
Bataille, G. : L'Histoire de l'Erotisme, Gallimard - Paris, 1975.
Benson, D.J. : Music : A Mathematical Offering, Cambridge University Press - Cambridge, 2007.
Bergson, H. : Matière et Mémoire, Skira - Genève, 1946.
Bertalanfy, von, L. : General Systems Theory, Braziller - New York, 1968.
Bono, de, E. : Lateral Thinking, Penguin - New York, 1970.
Bono, de, E. : Po : Between Yes and No, Penguin - New York, 1972.
Bohm, D. : Wholeness and the Implicate Order, Routledge - London, 1980.
Bohm, D. & Hiley, B.J. : The Undivided Universe, Routledge - London, 1993.
Bohm, D. & Peat, F.D. : Science, Order and Creativity, Routledge - London, 2000.
Boustead, A. : Writing Down Music, Oxford University Press - New York, 1975.
Bradley, A. C. : Oxford Lectures on Poetry, Indiana University Press, Bloomington, 1961.
Breton, A. : Manifestes du surréalisme, Gallimard - Paris, 1985.
Brindle, R.S. : Musical Composition, Oxford University Press - Oxford, 1993.

Boulez, P. : Boulez on Music Today, Faber & Faber - London, 1971.
Brady, E. & Levinson, J. : Aesthetic Concepts : Essays After Sibley, Oxford University Press - New York, 2001.
Bradley, A.C. : Oxford Lectures on Poetry, Indiana University Press - Bloomington, 1961.
Broeckx, J.L. : Grondslagen van de Muziekgeschiedenis, Metropolis - Antwerpen, 1978.
Broeckx, J.L. : Contemporary Views on Musical Style and Aesthetics, Metropolis - Antwerpen, 1979.
Brown, J.M. : A Handbook of Musical Knowledge, Trinity College of Music - London, 1980.

Carse, A. : The History of Orchestration, Dover - New York, 1964.
Carroll, N. : Philosophies of Art Today, University of Wisconsin Press - Madison, 2000.
Cassirer, E. : The Philosophy of Symbolic Forms, Yale University Press - New Haven, 1953, volume 1 Language, volume 2 : Mythic Thought, volume 3 : The Phenomenology of Language.
Croce, B. : Aesthetic as Science of Expression and General Linguistic, The Noonday Press - New York, 1958.
Crowther, P. : Critical Aesthetics and Postmodernism, Clarendon Press - Oxford, 2000.

Danto, A. : The Philosophical Disenfranchisement of Art, Columbia University Press - New York, 1986.
Danto, A. : Encounters & Reflections : Art in the Historical Present, Farrar Straus & Giroux - New York, 1990.
Danto, A. : After the End of Art, Princeton University Press -Princeton, 1998.
Danto, A. : Philosophizing Art : Selected Essays, University of California Press - Berkeley, 2001.
De Greeve, J. : Harmonieleer, De Sikkel - Antwerpen, 1970.
De Hen, F. & Goegebeur, R. : Inleiding tot de Geschiedenis van de Westerse Muziek, De Sikkel - Antwerpen, 1978.
Delamont, G. : Modern Harmonic Technique, Kendor - New York, 1965, volume 1 & 2.
Delamont, G. : Modern Arranging Technique, Kendor - New York, 1965.
Delamont, G. : Modern Contrapuntal Technique, Kendor - New York, 1969.
Delamont, G. : Modern Twelve-Tone Technique, Kendor - New York, 1973.
De Pourtalès, G. : Wagner, Gallimard - Paris, 1932.
Derrida, J. : De la grammatologie, Seuil - Paris, 1967.
Dewey, J. : Reconstruction in Philosophy, Mentor - New York, 1953.
Dewey, J. : Art as Experience, Capricorn Books - New York, 1958.
Dewey, J. : Philosophy and Civilization, Capricorn - New York, 1963.
Dickie, G. : Evaluating Art, Temple University Press - Philadelphia, 1988.
Didden, F. : Theoretische Begrippen van de Muziek, Metropolis - Antwerpen, 1974.
Ducasse, C.J. : The Philosophy of Art, Dover Publications - New York, 1966.
Duffin, R.W. : How Equal Temperament Ruined Harmony, Norton - New York 2007.

Eaton, M. : Merit, Aesthetic and Ethical, Oxford University Press - New York, 2000.
Edgar, W. : Taking Note of Music, SPCK - London, 1986.
Eliade, M. : The Sacred and the Profane, Harcourt, Brace & C° - New York, 1959.
Eliade, M. : Images and Symbols, Harvill Press - London, 1961.

Forsyth, C. : Orchestration, Dover - New York, 1982.
Foucault, M. : Geschiedenis van de waanzin, Boom - Meppel, 1975.
Forte, A. : The Structure of Atonal Music, Yale University Press - London, 1973.
Freud, S. : The Interpretation of Dreams, Knopf - New York, 1994.

Gadamer, H-G. : Truth and Method, Crossroad - New York, 1975.
Gal, H. : Letters of the Great Composers, Thames & Hudson - London, 1965.
Gallon, N. & Bitsch, M. : Traité de Contrepoint, Durand - Paris, 1964.
Garland, T.H. & Kahn, C.V. : Math and Music, Dale Seymour Publications - New York, 1995.
Geeurickx, E. : Functionele Harmonie 1 & 2, De Monte - Leuven, 1973.
Gilbert, K.E. & Kuhn, H. : A History of Esthetics, Indiana University Press, Bloomington, 1954.
Goetschius, P. : Counterpoint Applied, Greenwood - Westport, 1975.
Goldblatt, D. & Brown, L.B. : Aesthetics : a Reader in Philosophy of the Arts, Prentice Hall - Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, 1997.
Gracyk, Th. & Kania, A. : The Routledge Companion to Philosophy and Music, Routledge & Kegan - Oxon, 2014.
Griffiths, P. : Histoire Concise de la Musique Moderne, Fayard - Paris, 1978.
Guénon, R. : Fundamental Symbols, Quinta Essentia - Cambridge, 1996.
Gurney, E. : The Power of Sound, Basic Books - New York, 1966.

Habermas, J. : Erkenntnis und Interesse, Suhrkamp - Frankfurt, 1973.
Hammond, W.A. : A Bibliography of Aesthetics and of the Philosophy of the Fine Arts from 1900 - 1932, Russell & Russell - New York, 1934, 1967.
Hanfling, O. : Philosophical Aesthetics, Blackwell - Oxford, 1992.
Hanslick, E. : On the Musically Beautiful, Hackett Publishing - London, 1986.
Heidegger, M. : Nietzsche, Harper & Row - San Francisco, 1979 -1987, volume 1 : The Will To Power as Art, volume 2 : The Eternal Recurrence and the Same, volume 3 : The Will to Power as Knowledge and as Metaphysics, volume 4 : Nihilism.
Hein, H. & Korsmeyer, C. : Aesthetics in Feminist Perspective, Indiana University Press - Bloomington, 1993.
Herbert, T. : Music in Words, The Association Board of the Royal Schools of Music - London, 2001.
Hewitt, M. : Musical Scales of the World, The Note Tree, 2013.
Hewitt, M. : Composition for Computer Musicians, Course Technology - Boston, 2009.
Hindemith, P. : The Craft of Musical Composition, Schott - London, 1942, Book 1 & Book 2.
Hindemith, P. : Traditional Harmony, Schott - London, 1943, Book 1.
Hindemith, P. : Elementary Training for Musicians, Schott - London, 1946.
Hindley, G. : The Larousse Encyclopedia of Music, Hamlyn - London, 1978.
Huntley, H.E. : The Divine Proportion, Dover - New York, 1970.
Huxley, A. : The Perennial Philosophy, Harper & Brothers - New York, 1945.
Huxley, A. : The Doors of Perception, Chatto & Windus - London, 1951.

James, W. : Principles of Psychology, Dover - New York, 1950, 2 volumes.
Jacob, G. : How to Read a Score, Boosey & Hawkes - London, 1944.
Jarrett, S. & Day, H. : Music Composition for Dummies, Wiley - Hoboken 2008.
Jelinek, H. : Anleitung zur Zwölftonkomposition, Universal - Wien, 1967.
Jung, C. : Collected Works,  Bollingen series/Princeton University - Princeton, 1979, 20 volumes.

Kant, I. : Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics, Macmillan - New York, 1949.
Kant, I. : Critique of Judgement, Hafner - New York, 1951.
Kant, I. : Opus postumum, PUF - Paris, 1986.
Kelly, M. : Encyclopedia of Aesthetics, Oxford University Press - New York, 1999.
Kerman, J. : Contemplating Music, Harvard University Press - Massachusetts, 1985.
Kivy, P. : Philosophies of Arts, Cambridge University Press - New York, 1997.
Kivy, P. : Speaking of Art, Martinus Nijhoff - The Hague, 1973.
Kobbé, G. : Tout l'Opéra, Laffont - Paris, 1982.
Koestler, A. : The Act of Creation, MacMillan - New York, 1964.
Kovach, F.J. : Philosophy of Beauty, University of Oklahoma Press -Norman, 1974.
Křenek, E. : Studies in Counterpoint, Schirmer - London, 1940.

Langfeld, H.S. : The Aesthetic Attitude, Kennikat Press, Inc. - Port Washington, New York, 1967.
Langer, S.K. : Problems of Art : Ten Philosophical Lectures, Charles Scribner's Sons - New York, 1957.
Lee, V. : The Beautiful, an Introduction to Psychological Aesthetics, Cambridge University Press - Cambridge, 1913.
Levinas, E. : Totality and Infinity, Duquesne University Press - Pittsburg, 1961.
Leys, B. : Der Ring des Nibelungen, Heuff - Nieuwkoop, 1976.
Livingston, P. : Art and Intention : A Philosophical Study, Oxford University Press - Oxford, 2005.
Lovelock, W. : Elementary Accompaniment Writing, Bell & Hyman - London, 1971.

Madden, Ch. : Fib and Phi in Music, High Art Press - Salt Lake City, 2005.
Marcuse, H. : One Dimensional Man, Sphere - London, 1968.
Margolis, J. : Philosophy Looks at the Arts : Contemporary Readings in Aesthetics, Temple University Press - New York, 1987.
Massin, J. & B. : Mozart, Fayard - Paris, 1970.
Merleau-Ponty, M. : Phénoménologie de la perception, Gallimard - Paris, 1945.
McKeon, R. : The Collected Works of Aristotle, Random House - New York, 1941.

Munro, Th. : Toward Science in Aesthetics, The Liberal Arts Press - New York, 1956.
Munro, Th. : The Arts and Their Interrelations, The Press of Case Western Reserve - Cleveland, 1967.

Nietzsche, F. : Werke in vier Bänden, Das Bergland-Buch Verlag - Salzburg, 1985, 4 Bände.
Neill, A. & Ridley, A. : Arguing About Art : Contemporary Philosophical Debates, McGraw Hill, Inc. - New York, 1995.

Osborne, H. : Aesthetics and Art Theory, Dutton - New York, 1970.
Osterheld, H. : Franz Schubert, Donker - Rotterdam, 1979.

Partch, H. : Genesis of a Music, Da Capo Press - New York, 1974.
Pepper, St.C. : Principles of Art Appreciation, Harcourt, Brace & World, Inc. - New York, 1949.
Pepper, St.C. : The Basis of Criticism in the Arts, Harvard University Press - Cambridge, 1956.
Pepper, St.C. : Concept and Quality : A World Hypothesis, Open Court - LaSalle, 1967.
Pepper, St.C. : Aesthetic Quality : A Contextualistic Theory of Beauty, Greenwood Press Publishers - Westport, Connecticut, 1970.
Persichetti, V. : Twentieth Century Harmony, Faber & Faber - London, 1978.
Piaget, J. : The development of thought. Equilibration of cognitive structures, Oxford University Press - Oxford, 1978.
Prall, D.W. : Aesthetic Analysis, Thomas Crowell Co. - New York, 1967.
Piston, W. : Orchestration, Gollancz - London, 1979.
Piston, W. : Contrapunt, Strengholt - Naarden, 1977.
Plato : Verzameld Werk, Ambo - Baarn, 1980.
Plotinus : Complete Works, Platonist Press - Alphine, New Jersey, 1918, five volumes.
Popper, K.R. : The Poverty of Historicism, Routledge & Kegan - London, 1961.
Popper, K.R. : The Open Universe, Hutchinson -London, 1982.
Porette, M. : The Mirror of Simple Souls, University Notre Dame Press - Notre Dame, 1999.
Powell, J. : How Music Works, Penguin - New York, 2010.
Prall, D.W. : Aesthetic Judgment, Thomas Crowell Co. - New York, 1967.
Prigogine, I & Stengers, I. : Order out of Chaos, Bantam - Toronto, 1984.
Prigogine, I. & Stengers, I. : La Nouvelle Alliance, Gallimard - Paris, 1979.

Radcliffe, Ph. : Beethoven's String Quartets, Cambridge University Press - New York, 1978.
Rameau, J-Ph. : Treatise on Harmony, Dover - New York, 1971.
Rebatet, L. : Une Histoire de la Musique, Laffont - Paris, 1969.
Renold, M. : Intervals, Scales, Tones and the Concert Pitch, Temple Lodge - Sussex, 2004.
Ricoeur, P. : Le conflit des Interpretations. Essais d'Herméneutique, Seuil - Paris, 1969.
Rimsky-Korsakov, N. : Principles of Orchestration, Dover - New York, 1964.
Rousseau, J-J. : The Confessions, Oxford University Press - Oxford, 2000.

Salzer, F. & Schachter, C. : Counterpoint in Composition, Columbia University Press - New York, 1989.
Santayana, G. : The Sense of Beauty, Being the Outlines of Aesthetic Theory, The Modern Library - New York, 1955.
Sartre, J-P. : What is Literature ?, Harper Colophon Books - New York, 1965.
Sartre, J-P. : Being and Nothingness, Washington Square Press - New York, 1966.
Saw, R.L. : Aesthetics : An Introduction, Anchor Books - New York, 1971.
Schaper, E. : Prelude to Aesthetics, George Allen & Unwin, Ltd. - London, 1968.
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Schopenhauer, A. : The World as Will and Representation, Dover - New York, 1966, 2 volumes.
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Schönberg, A. : Theory of Harmony, University of California Press - Berkeley, 1983.
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Seashore, C.R. : Psychology of Music, Dover - New York, 1938.
Sheppard, A. : Aesthetics, an Introduction to the Philosophy of Art, Oxford University Press - New York, 1987.
Shields, A. : A Bibliography of Bibliographies in Aesthetics, San Diego University Press - California, 1974.
Smith-Brindle, R. : Serial Composition, Oxford University Press - Oxford, 1977.
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Smuts, J.C. : Holism and Evolution, Greenwood Press - Westport, 1973.
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